What To Do After College Instead Of Getting A Real Job
What to do after College, The answer isn’t to get a real job! Unemployment rates remain high in lots of countries. Even in the US, where the job market is currently strong, unemployment for those with a recent Bachelor’s degree or higher was 3.9 percent in December 2019.
While an appropriate effort for most graduates is to start working as soon as possible after graduation, they may not have managed to land a job yet, despite several applications and CV sprucing done.
If you’ve been finding it hard to secure a job before you’ve graduated, don’t despair! Instead of the searching path before any determined goal, here are some tips to keep you busy and productive while helping you discover yourself.
Try freelancing as Best Option
Now freelancing is a popular term among millennials, and now Gen Z-ers are also jumping into the pool. It is the right time to try your hand at freelancing if you’re looking for money while studying.
If you’re unable to find a full-time job, freelancing is a great way to gain early industry experience, learn about the working environment, and make worthy contacts in your industry.
Robyn D Shulman, a creator on Forbes advises that graduates must post their own freelance jobs in online job boards such as Fivver, Upwork, and Linkedin Profinder – websites where freelancers can bid on projects.
Being busy in freelance work will help you keep your skills sharp, and gives you added experience to put in your CV.